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  • 금요일오전 09:00 - 오후 07:30
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안성형 센터

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    고려대학교 의과대학 외래교수

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    이화여자대학교 의과대학 외래교수

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    고려대학교 의과대학 학사 졸업(2017)

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    고려대학교 대학원 의학 석사 졸업 (2011)

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    고려대학교 대학원 의학 박사 졸업 (2018)

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    고려대학교 의료원 안과 전문의

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    고려대학교 안암병원 안과 전공의

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    고려대학교 구로병원 안과 전임의 (2017)

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    고려대학교 안암병워 안과 임상조교수 (2020)

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    대한안과학회 (KOS) 정회원

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    대한백내장굴절수술학회 (KSCRS) 정회원

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    대한성형안과학회 (KSOPRS) 정회원

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    병무청 징병검사 자문의사

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    대한안과학회 학술지 (논문) 심사위원

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    안과지도전문의과정 수료

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    임상진료술기 의사실시 시험 채점위원

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    국내외 논문 51편, 국내외 학회 발표 60회

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    대한안과학회 제 118회 학술대회 학술상

  1. Errors in thickness comparison maps from 3D optical coherence tomography
  2. Endoscopic reconstruction of isolated orbital floor wall fracture considering orbital floor slope
  3. Secondary reconstruction of residual enophthalmos using an endoscope and considering the orbital floor and medial wall slope
  4. Aquaporin expression in the lacrimal sac of patients with primary and functional nasolacrimal duct obstruction
  5. Effectiveness of Sodium Hyaluronate (Protad®) Application in Endoscopic Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy
  6. Reconstruction of large orbital posterior floor wall fracture considering orbital floor slope using endoscope
  7. Effectiveness of ICG Gel in the Identification and Complete Removal of the Medial Wall of the Lacrimal Sac During Endoscopic Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy
  8. Functional and Structural Evaluation of the Meibomian Gland Using a LipiView® Interferometer in Thyroid Eye Disease
  9. The Effect of Upper Aging Blepharoplasty on Upper and Lower Eyelid Position
  10. Pathologic features and expression of Heat Shock Protein 47 in the nasal mucosa and lacrimal sac Does it influence the surgical outcome of endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy?
  11. Measuring nasolacrimal duct volume using computed tomography images in nasolacrimal duct obstruction patients
  12. Dry eye syndrome in thyroid eye disease patients: The role of increased incomplete blinking and meibomian gland loss
  13. A Patient With Periorbital Necrotizing Fasciitis by Klebsiella pneumoniae
  14. The Characteristics of Lower Eyelid Reverse Ptosis After Reconstruction of Orbital Floor Wall Fracture Using Transconjunctival Approach
  15. Clinical features and treatment outcomes of patients with tearing after chemotherapy
  16. Traumatic Globe Subluxation Accompanied by Traumatic Optic Neuropathy
  17. Ptosis With Aberrant Facial Nerve Regeneration Following Bell Palsy
  18. Unusual causes of epiphora after facial surgery in young patients
  19. Changes in Direction of Eyelashes After Epiblepharon Surgery Using the Hotz Procedure
  20. Measurement of Lacrimal Sac Fossa Using Orbital Computed Tomography
  21. The effect of botulinum toxin injection on the hang-back recession of rectus muscles.
  22. Diagnosis and Management of Orbital Wall Fracture
  23. An Unusual Case of Kimura’s Disease of the Lacrimal Gland in an Elderly Asian Female
  24. A Case of Lacrimal Gland Ductal Cyst Abscess
  25. Atypical Orbital Cellulitis Caused by Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Two Cases
  26. Analysis of Lid Contour in Thyroid Eye Disease With Upper and Lower Eyelid Retraction Using Multiple Radial Midpupil Lid Distances.
  27. Using the endoscopic transconjunctival and transcaruncular approach to repair combined orbital floor and medial wall blowout fractures.
  28. Surgical Outcomes of Endonasal Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy According to Jones Tube Location.
  29. Visual Field Defects in Young Patients With Open-angle Glaucoma: Comparison Between High-tension and Normal-tension Glaucoma
  30. Granulomatous Inflammation of the Upper Eyelid after Autologous Fat Injection
  31. Effectiveness and Satisfaction Degree of Transconjunctival-Approach Lower Blepharoplasty Combined With Pinch Skin Excision Technique
  32. Small-Incision Sutureless Surgical Technique for Subconjunctival Orbital Fat Prolapse.
  33. Surgical Outcomes of Endoscopic Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy Using a Castroviejo Double-Ended Lacrimal Dilator
  34. Correlation Between Lacrimal Syringing Test and Dacryoscintigraphy in Patients With Epiphora.
  35. Idiopathic Orbital Inflammation With Superior Rectus and Levator Complex may be Misdiagnosed as Involutional Ptosis.
  36. Cicatricial Ectropion Correction using Autologous Skin Graft after Surgery for Blowout Fracture
  37. Analysis of Surgical Outcome After Levator Advancement
  38. Effects of epiblepharon surgery on higher-order aberrations.
  39. A Case Report of En-Plaque Meningioma Presenting with Proptosis of the Ipsilateral Eye
  40. Stratus OCT image analysis with spectral-domain OCT (Topcon 3D OCT Viewer).
  41. Effectiveness of Combined Surgery Simultaneously Correcting 3 Main Causes of Involutional Entropion
  42. Therapeutic Effect of Squeezing the Punctum and Lacrimal Canaliculus in Canaliculitis Patients
  43. Changes in the Horizontal Angular Direction of Lower Eyelashes with Age in Korean Patients
  44. Upper and Lower Eyelid Positions in Several Korean Age Groups
  45. Risk Factors for Structural Changes in Meibomian Gland in Thyroid Eye Disease
  46. Effect of Transconjunctival Approach Lower Blepharoplasty Combined with Pinch Skin Excision Technique in Elderly Patients
  47. The Importance of Lower Eyelid Position in Aging Blepharoplasty
  48. A Retrospective Review of Endoscopic Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy Reoperation Cases
  49. Clinical Study on Acute Conjunctivitis after Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy with Silicone Tube Intubation.
  50. Clinical Efficacy of Lacrimal Syringing under General Anesthesia
  51. A Case of Congenital Absence of the Superior Oblique Muscle Treated With Anterior and Nasal Transposition of the Inferior Oblique Muscle.


Yes Medical Speciality

환자분과 잘 소통하여,
치료 전 예측되는 결과에 대해
충분히 상담드리고,
적절한 경과관찰과 처치로
최선의 진료 결과를 만들겠습니다.

  • 박진환 원장

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박진환 원장

박진환 대표원장/의학박사

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    고려대학교 의과대학 외래교수

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    이화여자대학교 의과대학 외래교수

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    고려대학교 의과대학 학사 졸업(2017)

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    고려대학교 대학원 의학 석사 졸업 (2011)

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    고려대학교 대학원 의학 박사 졸업 (2018)

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    고려대학교 의료원 안과 전문의

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    고려대학교 안암병원 안과 전공의

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    고려대학교 구로병원 안과 전임의 (2017)

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    고려대학교 안암병워 안과 임상조교수 (2020)

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    대한안과학회 (KOS) 정회원

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    대한백내장굴절수술학회 (KSCRS) 정회원

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    대한성형안과학회 (KSOPRS) 정회원

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    병무청 징병검사 자문의사

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    대한안과학회 학술지 (논문) 심사위원

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    안과지도전문의과정 수료

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    임상진료술기 의사실시 시험 채점위원

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    국내외 논문 51편, 국내외 학회 발표 60회

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    대한안과학회 제 118회 학술대회 학술상


연구하는 예스안과

안질환에 대한 끊임없는 연구를 통하여 다양한 논문 등재 !
예스안과는 더 나은 방향, 더 나은 퀄리티를 위하여 진심을 다합니다.

[박진환 원장 논문]

The effect of botulinum toxin injection on the hang-back recession of rectus muscles

[박진환 원장 논문]

Stratus OCT image analysis with spectral-domain OCT

[박진환 원장 논문]

A Case Report of En-Plaque Meningioma Presenting with Proptosis

[박진환 원장 논문]

Effects of epiblepharon surgery on higher-order aberrations

[박진환 원장 논문]

Analysis of Surgical Outcome After Levator Advancement

[나미리 원장 논문]

Comparison of Axial Length, Keratometry, and Measured White-to-white Using Different Devices J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2017;58(12)1325-1332

[나미리 원장 논문]

Correction of Diffuse Trichiasis Using Eyelid Margin Splitting Combined with Cilia Rotation Suture J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2017;58(2)125-130

[나미리 원장 논문]

Repositioning of a Free Cap after Laser-assisted in situ Keratomileusis J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2018;59(5)484-490

[나미리 원장 논문]

Morphometric Measurement of Pterygium with Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography and Relationship with Astigmatism J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2022;63(8)653-659

[송영빈 원장 논문]

Bevacizumab Therapy for Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion Associated with Normal Tension Glaucoma

[송영빈 원장 논문]

Bilateral Serous Retinal Detachment Associated With Alport's Syndrome

[송영빈 원장 논문]

Short-term Effects of Intravitreal Bevacizumab Injection and Macular Edema Patterns in Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion

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[노안 백내장 수술] 30년 넘게 함께 한 안경과 이제 작별했어요!


[노안 백내장 수술] 잘 보여서 좋아요!


[노안 백내장 수술] 젊을 때의 밝은 세상을 보는 것이 너무나 감사합니다.


[노안 백내장 수술] 새 세상을 만난듯 하루하루 행복합니다.


[노안 백내장 수술] 너무 밝은 세상을 살 수 있어 감사하고 고맙습니다.


[노안 백내장 수술] 내 인생 가장 젊은 날 새로운 선물을 받았습니다.


[노안 백내장 수술] 하얀색 강아지가 이렇게 솜털처럼 하얀줄 몰랐습니다.


[노안 백내장 수술] 또 다른 세상을 보게 해주셔서 정말 감사드립니다.


[노안 백내장 수술] 잘보입니다. 아주 좋습니다.


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[노안 백내장 수술] 다른 세상 사는 느낌, 너무 좋아요!


[노안 백내장 수술] 모든 물체가 선명하게 잘보입니다.


[노안 백내장 수술] 수술하고 나니 깨끗하게 보여요!


[노안 백내장 수술] 너무나 잘 보이고 참 좋아요!


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[노안 백내장 수술] 코에 걸친 안경이 없어 운동하기 편해요!


[노안 백내장 수술] 아주 편안하고 신속히 끝났습니다.


[노안 백내장 수술] 자세하고 상세한 진료와 수술 감사합니다.


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